

Sports teams, schools, bands, youth groups, and more can earn More Profit with Zero Hassle using the industry’s easiest online fundraising platform. Get the highest donation profit and an average of 65% profit on product sales! Our automated features handle all the work for you and supporters of your fundraiser are saved and ready for you to reach out to for your next event.

Let InstaRaise Do The Work For You!

It’s a simple concept. Use the power of technology to raise (and keep!) more money.

InstaRaise is the platform for you and here’s why! You will raise more money and keep more profit. Our automated intelligent communication features do all the work for you, including drip emails, texts, social media posts and more. Anyone who supports your fundraiser is saved and is ready for you to contact for your next one! You deserve to experience uncomplicated fundraising, higher profits, dedicated rep support and profit payment within days, guaranteed.

Platform Features

Donation / Product Options



More Choices. More Profit. One Platform

The Future of Fundraising is Now!

Your most successful fundraiser in 3 easy steps


Choose How You Want To Fundraise

Whether you want a product sale , donation campaign or both, we’ve got you covered. Choose from 10+ products including popcorn, gifts, tumblers or cookie dough. Or try a straight-up donation campaign. You can even do both at the same time! You’ll be set up and ready to raise money in a matter of minutes. If you need help deciding, our reps are just a phone call or email away.


Easily Manage Your Campaign

Our simple dashboards will help you track your group’s progress, and each seller’s activity. Our built-in communication tools will easily keep you and your entire group engaged, informed and successful.

Quick Payments

Bank Your Profit

As soon as your fundraiser ends, your profit is on its way. You’ll get the money you raised immediately through ACH direct deposit or a check in less than two weeks via certified mail.

More Profit. Zero Hassle.

Highest Profit Offered

With the best profit in the industry, groups consistently earn 30-50% more compared to traditional fundraisers. Make at least 40% profit on product sales and 80% profit on donation campaigns. Or run both for even better results!

Easiest Fundraiser Ever

Sellers register once, add contacts, and then our platform handles the rest until graduation. Every supporter becomes a part of all future fundraisers. Your job is done.

Automatic Emails, Texts & Social Sharing

Let the system do the work for you. Automated email communications, integrated, simple texting for Sellers to reach Supporters (because everyone texts, yes even Grandma and Grandpa), one-click social media posting and an integrated prize program make it easy to keep sellers organized and motivated.

Reach More Supporters

If you’re relying on the old school method of fundraising with sellers using order forms and asking people in their local area, then you’re selling yourself short. The more people you reach, the more money you’ll raise. Any InstaRaise fundraiser can be nationwide by adding ship-to-home products or an option to donate to reach friends and family across the country.

A Seamless Online Shopping Experience

Dynamic, streamlined, and personalized web pages make shopping fun and supporting super easy. Quick order fulfillment with automatic, real-time tracking notifications are what you should expect from anything you buy online.

Fundraising Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

Raise funds quickly and easily with InstaRaise’s ultimate fundraising solution. Our platform offers simple registration and administration, communication and reporting tools, and other features to make fundraising a breeze.

  • NRun product and donation fundraisers in one place.
  • NAnyone who supports your fundraiser is saved and is ready for you to contact for your next one!
  • NEasy seller registration and reactivation.
  • NDynamic seller personalized webpage.
  • NSimple dashboards and reporting at every level.
  • NFully compliant to all privacy, security & data protection standards.

Big Results. Happy Customers.

Choose From The Most Popular

Products In Fundraising